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Published on Sunday, Jul 4th 2010.

I was at work Last night. Testing my new camera for a scene I was planning to shoot the next day, when the janitor walked in. She s a new girl looks amazingly hot to be a janitor actually. I started to film her and I asked her name. She told me her name was Jessi. Well Jessi is 20 years old and needed a job, she s never really thought of doing porn before. But something told me she was holding back. So I asked her a few question and little by little she began to unravel. Turns out that Jessi likes porn and she s a little bit of a freak. Jessi showed me her pierce nipples and her shaved pussy and fat ass. Thats when my homeboy Tony walked in...I asked Jessi if she didnt mind tugging off Tony while i filmed it. She got to work...and if you want to see her in action. Watch the movie.

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