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Published on Thursday, Jul 1st 2010.

This week we have Nikki Sexx..a smoking hot Blonde with fantastic legs, amazing ass and immensely large tits. She is rocking! And Nikki knows it. Plus she s kinda goofy which makes her fun to be around because Nikki s light hearted and not afraid to try new things. Thats why we picked her out a nice Mexican date by the name of Lucius Young. He s training to be a boxer and never has time to date. He had heard about us and decided to give us a try. I mean the concept is simple. You go on a date with a Celebrity Porn Star and then you try to make her laugh and get in her pants how hard can it be. Right it can be hard because you cant just go in expecting a blow job, you gotta pretend like you dont want it. So we took them to a nice 50 s cafe and then to go play pool lots of fun activities that will hopefully get them to warm up to each other. Because at the end we only need to know one thing...CAN HE SCORE?!

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