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Published on Thursday, Apr 15th 2010.

Anna s chilling at home when she notices a gang of ducks parading outside her window. So what does Anna do? She feeds the parade of ducks parading outside her window. What does she find? She finds a lonely little man fishing away at a fishless pond. With her charm on her sleeves, Anna walks up to the little man fishing in the fishless pond. With his fishless rod, the little man retires from fishing to play with Anna s kitty. Anna brings the little man home, she teases him, she sucks his cock, she rides him, she gets fucked by him, and the little man is left with a HUGE smile on his face and is glad he chose a fishless pond to go fishing cause the parading ducks brought the kitty and that kitty made the little fisherman s day worth the lack of fish in his fishing aspirations.

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