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Published on Thursday, Mar 25th 2010.

Hey Madison Ivy came back to us again. After the successful date we put her the last time she came, she wanted us to take her out on another date. This time we thought it would be a great idea to fix her up with on of the locals, if illegal. His name is Oscar and he s a little slow. He installs neon lights up for a living. The kind you see in front of stores to let you know what your buying. He also knows Madison is way out of his league. Madison has done a few changes since we last saw her she had her tits done and they look great! they re massive and amazing. So check out this episode, you might learn a thing or two about her. Like for instance she likes to collect the underwear of all the men she s slept with. You ll also like Madison s cheezy jokes. But i guess the main question is... Can He Score?!

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