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Published on Monday, Aug 31st 2009.

Hey guys, So I ve been getting a lot of emails from you guys claiming that you can fuck me better then some of the guys i bring along here. So this week i decided to put one of you Fan boys to the test. John came along to see if he could do a better job then the guys I ve had on here. but i didn t want to let him get me right off the bat so i invited over my friends Roxy and Cali to put John up for the challenge. they started off by measuring his penis soft and hard, i had Cali give him a blow job just to see if he can last once he passes that Roxy took over to see how good he can fuck. and well i have to say it wasn t bad but i don t know ill let the girls decided wether he is good enough to fuck me. see ya later xoxo -Brandi

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