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Published on Monday, Jun 1st 2009.

hey guys so as you know i am up for just about anything, but if there is just one thing i could definitly use some work on it would be talking dirty...i dont know what it is cause m abviously not shy if i were shy iw ouldnt be able to do any of the stuff i do on my site...i guess it just doesnt come naturally to me and if things dont come naturally to me i tend not o want to do them.... but i know its something you guys like so i brought on chastity and ella to give me and you uys some pointers.....fundamentals of talking dirty. they break it down into the differrent types of talking dirty for instance the first kind of dirty talk is the kind you would use to initiiate sex. They explain that this is where you want to tell the guy what you want to do to him and how turned on you are...they also tell you the types of adjectives and word descriptions that are best used in certain situations...its all very quite interesting and educational im sure you will enjoy and maybe learn somethin

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