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Published on Monday, May 25th 2009.

Once again its brandi to the rescue...this actually a topic im quite serious about...nevernudes. Yeah i know the name sounds funny but believe me it is no laughing matter. It is a serious syndrome that is affecting so many communities all around the world. Mt first love was actually a nevernude so when i got the email from kyndra i nearly passed out, for she is in love with a nevernude as i once was. i got in contact with her as soon as i could as the only way to give any help to a nevernude is gotta surprise em. which is exactly what we did to sam, her boyfriend suffering from nevernude syndrome...i think you all will find the outcome ever so wonderful and heartwarming....if you or anyone you know suffers from nevernude syndrome please get help as soon as you can...and if anything i am only an email away!!

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