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Published on Friday, Jul 18th 2008.

Hello everybody. This time I invited Rocio Marrero, and let me tell you that it wasn t as easy as you might think. The problem was that she didn t quite speak English. I mean she did, but when I talked to her on the phone it would take me forever to explain stuff, and I had to repeat myself a few times. Anyway, once we got over the language barrier, and she showed up in my office I was tempted to accomplish another mission. Guess which one? I don t remember if she mentioned her age, but judging by the way she was acting all goofy I would guess 18. No, just kidding; she was at least 32. She told me the story when she fucked 3 guys at the same time somewhere in Spain or whatever. After that I knew how to work on her. What nice big boobs this girl had and ass too. I fucked her all over the place. Check out this episode.

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