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Published on Saturday, Jun 7th 2008.

Demitri Long is one cocky son of a bitch, but he has every right to be if he s continuosly pulling in women like Diamond. Him and his buddy are eating outside a restaurant when he notices Diamond acroos the way at another table assumingly on a date. He can t help but stare nor could his goofy sidekick of a friend. When all of a sudden DIamond and Demitri make eye contact, and instead of looking away all embarassed he holds eye contact until he gets a smile out of Diamond. She even reveals that she is not wearing any underwear but blatantly opening her legs for him to see. All the while her date is blabbing away oblivious to the whole thing. Once her date gets up to go to the bathroom Diamond sees her opportunity to give demitri her number; Dimitri wastes no time. All the while his friend is in utter shock. He calls her immediately as she tells him she is here on business and only here for a few days. She tells him what hotel she is staying in and you can guess what happens from there.

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