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Published on Tuesday, Feb 12th 2008.

I cant begin to tell you guys how unbelievably flattered i get form the emails and responses i get from you guys...i should say guys and gals actually...i mean i am never ceased of any kind of amazement everytime i hear form all you gals out there you guys really like me i am sooooooooo flattered... i know i allready said that but im just lost for words with all you guys... so this supercutey rachel is a member of my site and she has been sending me many lovely emails from time to time...i love her e4mails so much i would like to consider her a friend now even though i havnt met her or really talked to her...i have...but thanks to this care packadge she just sent me i may not have met her but ive definitly seen her....alot of her!!! and so will you guys if you watch this new update...Rachel sent me a video and some poloroids she made with her boyfriend Josh...who i might add is quite the catch..way to go rachel!!! hehe the video is super sweet and super hott!!! its a bit of an homage t

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