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Published on Monday, Oct 8th 2007.

So ive been having this ongoing argument with my camerman for quite sometime now...the argumenmt being that his job aint that hard and that i could do it myself so this shoot i took matterds and teh camera into my own hands ok not exactly my cameraman was still there shooting while i shot myself..he wouldnt let me use his camera seeing as he was afraid i was gunna break it which is understandablke seeing as its hard to do what i do as in the hsott being an amaizng blowjob and hold the camera all at the same time which is why i kinda didnt really do what i set out to do i ended up having to let my buddy jayjay do alota the holding i mean come on a girl has to concentrate and whats more holding the camera or giving the best blowjob performance i can give for you guys. but all in all the shoot wqent real well i learned its not all as easy bein behind the camera as i thought especially ebing behind and in front all at tahe same time i dont knwo whow these guys do it i just

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