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Published on Monday, Aug 20th 2007.

Dont you hate when you have something grad planned out, something your really looking forward too something that make you wet (or hard) just thinking about and then just at the last second some unforseeable thing happens that you ahve no control over and it ruins everything...thats never really happened to me cause i dont like to make solid plans and i am also a very good for instance what you are about to see in this new update of mine lets call it a re-inactment... So im visiting my folks since i hadnt seen them in forever and a day when they go off to church of course i opt to stay home sometyhing about what i do and church dont go together anyway so im home alone so i call an old neighborhood buddy of mine to come over so we could catch up really i didnt give a shit about hearing what he had been upto i just needed to fuck so low and behold the dooshbag takes forever so my parents get back...plan i donty think so. i sneak out the window and well...s

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