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Published on Monday, May 28th 2007.

I sure have met a lot of pornstars the past couple years. I wonder why that I thought I knew a lot of guys who were good in the sack b4 but ever since I’ve started this website I’ve been meeting a lot of real you know most of the stuff I do involves real friends of mine or at least acquaintances...ok some complete strangers I’ve met in random places...its all in good fun right? Anyway you guys probably remember the shoot I did last time with this guy Jordan...My editor gave it some French title, he can be a real tious dooshbag sometimes. Anyhow so yeah in that shoot Jordan had a three-way with a couple of buddies of mine while I was a lot of fun to watch but it seemed like my girlfriends were having a lot more fun by doing a lot more than just watching. I haven’t been able to get this guy out of my head so I called him up and of course this shoot is the outcome of that phone call...boy am I glad I called him what a stud!!! It worked out great since

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