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Published on Sunday, Apr 29th 2007.

Welcome back peeps. Today I called my old friend Roxy who came to Miami a few days ago. We ve been friends forever, she is really nice. As we were walking down the street she was telling me about herself what she have been up to lately and stuff like that. To be honest with you its really hard to stay friends with such a beautiful girl. In the park I asked her if she can flush me, just for fun. Its like a friendly flush. What a nice tits on this girl let me tell you. In addition to that she took off her underwear, let me smell it and showed everything those undies were covering a seconds ago. That thing turned me on so bad I even forgot about all this friendship. In the apartment she sucked my dick like she meant it. Then I fucked this nice hot ass like I mean it. You should check it out.

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