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Published on Tuesday, Nov 21st 2006.

Alize? Oh ya the trailer park chick. That girl was so fucking hood! In a good way, not in a she ll rob you with her gat kind of way. Aside from the fact that she had a big tits she had big fat ass too. We were all more interested in the ass. That s the awesome thing about hood girls, there so adventurous. This girl didn t know us from a whole in the wall but after a small conversation just jumped right in. Of course she was a bit frightened for dear life but after some of my smooth talking she bent. So back to her ass. This girls ass was so big (HUGE I TELL YOU!) I can t stop talking about her ass. It was big. Anyway, her tits were nice too. I also enjoyed our conversation. It wasn t the same old shit like I get from the usual dumb broads we pick up. This girl was street smart. I played that chick like a mojan. She got ditched with not one cent of the thousand dollars I promised her. Did I mention she got banged by Joy Baby for thirty minutes and gave that nigga head for another fifteen. So go check it out for yourself. You won t be disappointed. -Sanchez

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