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Published on Monday, Nov 13th 2006.

Think of ellie as that hot substitue teacher you used to get in highschool...just as long as you think of me as the even hotter (sorry ellie i love you) permanant teacher who you have all grown to love and adore and to whom you owe a great deal of gratitude for how much she has taught you throughout your relationship...oh wow sorry guys you know how i get a little out of control sometimes. Anyway so i had to go on a bit of a vavation (but not to worry ill be back next week yo know i cant go more than a week without seeing you guys...i go crazy) which as for the vacation ill tell you all about in my next blog. So im still getting emails from you guys about my dear freind ellie so i asked her if she owuldnt mind being a fill in and she gladly said yes. Shes giving a friend of mine named ricky a blowjob...and i have to admit i could actually learn a thing or two form ellie about givin dont miss me too much...BUT MISS ME TOO LITTLE EITHER!!! haha lol BUT SERIOSULY!!! ok guys go

Performers: Ricky, Ellie Idol


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