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Published on Thursday, Jun 8th 2006.

Pretons had his heart set on getting a Latinas chick this time. At first it looked like we wouldn t find one, but then we found Ice, the only Latina on the beach. At first she refused to do any modeling , but once we mentioned money she was all for it. Once we got her round ass to the studio she showed us her tits. I think she was down from the beginning because it only took Preston showing her his dick for her to start sucking it. You gotta love the female blowjob instinct. She even let me play with her pussy while she was still sucking off Preston. Once the sex started I could tell that we were in store for another great movie. Especially the doggy style fucking! Preston grabed Ice s hips like handles and slamed from behind. My ears are still ringing from the loud spanking. This girl makes a great amateur model. Enjoy the film!

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