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Published on Monday, May 15th 2006.

It occured to me after having one of the best sexual experiences (thanks to my new foreign friend robert) that its been quite a while since ive treated myself to something nice (besides robert) Now dont get me wrong you guys know me and i am very giving but come on, enough is enough no more handjobs, no more blowjobs i wanna get fucked dangit!!! hehe..sorry for my french :) Besides, who am i kidding, fucking me is the greatest gift i could bestow upon anyone not that im conceided but really...come on...If anyone should know its you guys fucking me is a gift from...okay i think im going to far anhoo..where was i, oh yeah this shoot, so like i was saying im getting fucked, by my 2 good buddies, and by good buddies i mean two cousins i met while they were taking my order at pollo tropical. actually i only met the one cousin (andrew i believe his name was)at pollo tropical, when i told what i would like for dessert with my tropichop he immediatly called his caousin L.L. cause he was the

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