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Published on Tuesday, Apr 18th 2006.

Well my devoted minions... I ve got something for you this week! J-Mac, our resident Hialeah chico, brought along his cock... I think.. who knows... he really doesn t matter... lalala.. so yeah.. We were just riding around town.. you know... the usual search and destroy shit.. I spot Tiffany sitting at a bus stop.. only this was a Sunday... so only a tourist would even think to do that... I knew it was on lock... so yeah... I tell her that we re casting for some indie flick that s gonna start shooting down here on South Beach... fresh faces type deal.. you know... and she starts smiling ear to ear! Barely legal broads on vacation.... gotta love em... Plus she needed a ride to some bar her friends were at... sure... and I really give a fuck about these chicks... In the Cauldron of Debauchery.. we proceed to tell this perky tittied chick the deal when it comes to being in movies... you know.. the whole casting couch deal... of course there were some hints of pride being shown... her trying to prove she had self-respect... when will these chicks learn that NO ONE CAN DENY ME! lalalala.... I continue to tell her about all of my L.A. connects... that this is at the forefront of movie making... reality casting..on the spot... blah blah blah... I talked so much shit that this dizzy broad was wiping the drool from her mouth after seeeing J-Mac s cock... Then the deed needed to get done! First off.. her natural round boobs were great! Not to mention the juicy round bubble butt ass on this one... sheesh... I LOVE SPRING BREAKERS! Gave her an oral exam... she passed with flying colors... then the sex was just great! Tiffany s pussy got pounded like never before! Good shit bro... as always... the chick really needed to get out of my life.... so yeah... wanna see the deal.. log in cluckers... The Dirty One...

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