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Published on Thursday, Dec 29th 2005.

I m sure some of you remember Alexis. If you don t you ll want to check this one out. Get this, she s half Jamaican and half Italian. Some how when you mix the the two you get a British accent and huge tits. Hey, no complaints here. I think they are both sexy as hell. Wait till you see the huge natural tits on this fine ass babe. Her and Preston had a great time fucking the afternoon away. She gave us a great show playing with her tits. I was surprised how deep she was taking in Preston s dick during the blow job. I just like the way her tits bounced all over the place during the sex. You only get that with real boobs. Oh, and she has a great camel toe... trust me. Of course Preston showered her with cum, and she wiped it off of her face and licked it up. Bravo Alexis Silver! Check out the movie ya ll. I m sure you ll like it.

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