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Published on Friday, Dec 31st 2004.

Man this meathead had an amazing body but he killed it by shaving all the hair on his it just me or is that kinda gay. i dont know it freaks me out alittle bit, its like fucking a girl with muscles and a dick. speaking of dicks his was pretty nice it only looked kinda small by comparison of the rest of him but atually it was a pretty nice size. when we were fucking i was kinda scared at first since the guy is like 3 times my size but he was just rough enough for me to have a great time. i thought i was a good time to try something new so i decided it would be a good idea to suck out the cum from the hindsight it probably wasnt such a good idea cause condoms dont taste very good but it was worth it to see the look on the guys face when i did it.

Performers: Karl, Brandi Belle


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