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Published on Tuesday, Dec 21st 2004.

It s that time of year fuckos!!! The time to spend the holidays with your loved ones... exchange petty excuses for gifts... and devour as much food as is humanly possible... that s right my minions... IT S X-MAS!! What better present for me to give to all of you than this episode right here! Kelly was found walking to a gift wrap party... yeah.. that s what I was thinking.. people have those??? anyways...after convincing her to take a ride with us instead of suffering the elements of Miami.... it was a wrap! Gift wrap even!! HAHA.... Preston s corn husking ass was so happy about the holidays that he decorated the van.. I swear.. if it wasn t for the way he decimates ass... I d have gotten rid of him a LONG TIME AGO... and Preston.. if you re reading this... CONGRATS ON FINALLY JOINING THE LITERATE WORLD!!!! This is done in classic Bang Bus fashion... good times I tell yeah... be safe everyone and try not to drink too much before driving...wind up like Punchy does on weekends and shit.... THE DIRTY ONE!!!

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