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Published on Tuesday, Dec 7th 2004.

And to think that The Dirty One was under the assumption that I ve tried everything in the book.... WRONG!!!! When I saw the ever tempting Amber hobbling down the sidewalk.. I knew I just HAD to... Apparently this chick had done some hardcore partying the nite before.. and was paying for it on some crutches.... I kindly offer this fair maiden a ride in my chariot..... she accepted..and we were off quicker than her clothes were!!!! This chick couldn t shut up about how out of control she got last nite...and a whole bunch of other useless b/s she was spewing... god knows I wasn t paying attention... what I DID notice... was her willingness to try out for the Special Olympics.... using Preston s cock as a straddle... well my comrades... I ll let you be the judges... and umm.. for future reference.... I d just like to take this time to point out to all who visit my humble site of debauchery that I, THE DIRTY ONE, DO NOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST THE PHYSICALLY CHALLENGE...I M AN EQUAL OPPURTUNIST MISOGYNIST... MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

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