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Published on Tuesday, Jun 29th 2004.

Never say that The Dirty One is NOT a good samaritan!!!! I mean.. what else would I be considered after helping out this GORGEOUS Italian broad named Karina. Apparently both of the tires on her bike were flat.... how this happend.. who knows... I d say it was on purpose and she was on the prowl for cock... but that s just me.. anyways.. we offer to take her to get her tires fixed.. and off we were! Karina has one of the sexiest bodies the Bang Bus has ever seen.. but not if you ask Zuko.. his gay ass is so full of himself now.. I had to put him in his place after last weeks update.. anyways! Karina reveals to us that she has always wanted to try cuban cock.. ENTER ALEX! He does his people a service and feeds this italian stallian some good ol cuban jiz... Great Stuff!! Enjoy!!!!

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