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Published on Thursday, Jun 17th 2004.

Don t you just love summertime in Miami I mean.. there are countless of tourist broads just waiting to get scooped up by yours truly only to be taken on the infamous Bang Bus! Zukes and I were taking our boy Alex around looking for some poontang when we saw Anna s incredibly busty chest waiting for a cab. As usual, I turned on the Sanchez family charm and got this French broad into the belly of the beast!!!! Now I ve heard of women that complain about being so beautiful that men refuse to approach them... but c mon fellas... let s be honest..... wouldn t you at least make an ATTEMPT at this chick??? DD Natural tits even!!! Well... long story short... this chick gets well acquainted with how things are done in the good ol U.S of fuckin A.!!! Bang Bus Style of course... oh and fellas.. the drop off here... is CLASSIC!! Watch the trailer if you haven t already done so.... I ll save you the trouble and say your welcum now... Enjoy! The Dirty One!!!

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