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Published on Tuesday, Jun 4th 2002.

I had gotten into some trouble with some wiseguys over some...nevermind..but anyways...I owed a favor to some guys over some I brought along my friend Anthony and his friend Paco along for a mission. They had dropped by my hood to pick up some stuff I didn t have, but I decided to make up for it by promising Paco some hot latin ass...puro you know. So we came across Tatiana, this fine ass puerto rican whore. She was more than willing to come along. This bitch showed her true colors as all of them do once they see those green little men, and I don t mean martians! So my man Paco ends up fucking the shit out of her...damn near making her spill her guts. Better her than me you know. Watch this puerto rican bitch with attitude get destroyed. The Dirty One...

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