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Published on Tuesday, Dec 27th 2022.

A golden female nude (Caroline Pierce ) stands on a pedestal in the middle of the art gallery. Suddenly the statue opens her eyes and begins to move around, changing her pose. She freezes when she hears a woman enter the room.<br>Star admires the statue, and takes out her phone to shoot some video of it. She receives a phone call &amp; leave the room. The statue begins to move again. The woman returns, having dropped something. She stares at the golden figure. Did it move? A voice comes over the loudspeakers, the museum is closing. Star shakes her head and walks out.<br>The statue begins to stir on the nighttime security feed. She opens her eyes and looks around before swiftly stepping off her pedestal, removing one of the portraits off the wall, and walking out.<br>Wet &amp; Messy, Wet Look, Freeze, Body Painting, Role Play, Statue Fetish<br>Tags : body-painting, bodypainting, bodypaint, wam, freeze, statue, bodypainted, body-paint, body-painted, caroline-pierce, wet-and-messy, star-n

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