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Published on Tuesday, May 24th 2022.

All Day long Sarah Lace has been wanting the attention of her husband Jonathan Jordan. She has been wanting to fuck all day long and decides she is going to get herself some. But when she goes in the room Jonathan Jordan is watching the game with Richard Mann. Its a big game but Sarah does not care and grabs the remote to change the channel thinking that Jonathan would get the hint. But this is a big game, with a lot of money riding on it. After several attempts Sarah leaves the room, only to come back dressed super sexy. She jumps on the lil couch thing and pulls her legs back till her ankles touched her ears. She was ready to fuck. Both Richard Mann and Jonathan were shocked. Richard Mann looks at Jonathan Jordan as if to say whats up . Jonathan gives the nod and they both tear into Sarah Lace s holes. She really did wanna fuck to, she was wild and untamed.

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