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Published on Wednesday, Sep 18th 2024.

The positive pregnancy test in my hands shook almost as much as I did. A mixture of joy and fear overwhelmed me like a wave. I was pregnant, pregnant for the first time. Every morning, I woke up with a mixture of amazement and disbelief, placing my hand on my still unripe belly, trying to feel the miracle that was taking place inside me.<br>Morning sickness had become my faithful companions, constantly reminding me of the presence of my little guest. But even in the most difficult moments, a smile lit up my face. I was creating a life.<br>My breasts full of milk in this video are spraying with joy and pleasure everywhere and I can t wait to show you how I lick all the milk that came out of my breasts. Do you want to see it too?<br>An exciting role play!<br><br>Il test di gravidanza positivo tra le mie mani tremava quasi quanto me. Un misto di gioia e paura mi travolgeva come un onda. Ero incinta, incinta per la prima volta.Ogni mattina, mi svegliavo con un misto di stupore e incredulit

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