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Published on Wednesday, Aug 3rd 2011.

When we last left Kety and Adriana, Kety had just finished smacking that ass up with a wooden paddle. Now she has managed to really restrain Adriana on a bondage apparatus that leaves her COMPLETELY vulnerable! Even has an iron neck brace! Kety gets her leather whip and starts slapping up Adriana s shaved tang and pinching her nipples super hard. Licking her face, pulling her hair and whispering to her " I m going to fuck your twat with a wooden dowel!" The excitement has her Pussy overflowing with juices. She puts a condom on the dowel and starts to fuck her with it, positioning herself so that she can flick her tongue on the waiting clit. When she s done she pulls the condom off and shoves it in Adriana s mouth for a little extra humiliation!

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