The biggest HD porn archive - 100,000+ videos Porn movies, sex videos - HD and 4k

Published on Saturday, Mar 26th 2016.

Porn has shaped the Internet as we know it. Video streaming, high speed broadband, online payment solutions, banner advertising, smartphone design, and even spam were all heavily influenced by an ever growing demand for adult content. Find out what drives this multi-billion dollar industry and those that bring our sexual fantasies to the big and little screen. Go behind the scenes and find out the answers to the questions you’ve always been too afraid to ask…Who are these sex craved performers? Why do they do it? Do they like it? How many people does it take to have the world’s biggest orgy? How much money is actually earned? Join us for unrestricted interviews with stars, directors, extras and more, revealing the taboo world of sex and pornography, as well as out-takes from the shootings.

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