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Published on Thursday, May 7th 2009.

This week we got a girl, who I think is oh so cute. Great smile beautiful skin, small but supple titties and an ass from outer space. But that s not all she a very smart sassy girl, with a very quick wit to boot. In fact she s a Jibber-jabber that can only be quiet with a a cock in her mouth. (Thats a conversation I would love to have with her.) Anyway we set her up with someone this week to see how she does out in the world, because we want to see what her dating life was like. So this week we set her up with Diesel, he s a bartender who loves to use his knowledge of libations to woo his women into his bed. The problem with that is that Tori doesn t drink, anyway he s a quirky weird guy who fits the white boy stereotype. So thats our little experiment this week because we are curious animals and we want to see if given the chance if a Regular guy got together with a Porn Star, CAN HE SCORE?

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