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Published on Thursday, Dec 23rd 2010.

On Christmas Eve Thomas falls asleep after a glass of champagne and dreams of a leggy brunette Santa appearing in front of his tree and his cock! Kristine Crystalis is the total holiday package of fetish lust delivered for a leg and foot lover s delight. There is something so horny about this particular Yuletide angel, eagerly throating Tom s large tool as he sucks her toes through her nylons. Then comes out a Christmas cake, full of red and white and pink frosting, that is soon squashed all over her feet and legs. Crystalis doesn t miss any opportunities to crush that cake under her stocking-covered soles as she stands in front of Tom and teases us with her shapely gams and hot round ass. I get the feeling she really, REALLY enjoys showing off as a wild slut while we sit off in cyberspace stroking our pricks! She has a big nympho smile as she sits on Tom s hard shaft and sticks her messy feet in our direction. If we were there, she d probably be sweet-talking us into eating that cake

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