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Published on Thursday, Mar 21st 2024.

This is my loving tribute to the classic Nick Cage film VAMPIRE S KISS. Peter has had a hard time. He works a lot and deals with such a terrible secretary, Alva. To make matters worse he has a lot of one night stands and is miserable and lonely. However, all that is about to change. Peter meets this gorgeous lady at a bar and brings her home to his apartment. He thought he could have his way with her but Peter is about to be penetrated in another way. Lady Jane mesmerizes Peter and all the sudden she reveals fangs: YES SHE S A VAMPIRE! Peter is a bit terrified but a little horny. Vampire Jane makes Peter unsleeve and she bites and kisses his arms. Peter feels the energy being sucked from him and loves every minute of it. This femme fatale then gets real vampire by sucking from Peter s neck. You ll hear the pain and pleasure that Peter gets from this creature of the night. Is this for real or is Peter now A VAMPIUH, A VAMPIUH, A VAMPIUH, A VAMPIUH!

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