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Published on Monday, Dec 11th 2023.

You re on a date with voluptuous MILF Bella Rossi & you re seated outside. When the waitress arrived, Bella asks why the restrooms are closed & waitress explains there was a bathroom clog & they are busy cleaning it up right now. There are no employee bathrooms unfortunately so even the waitress needs to wait. Bella is totally squirming, crossing her legs when with a gasp, she starts pissing her panties!! It s a huge waterfall as it streams right through her panties & down her legs into her shoes, splashing everywhere and making a big puddle. Right after she wets herself, the waitress comes back & tells her the bathroom is open!! You, as her date, tells her you really enjoyed watching her squirm as she s desperate to pee. Hmmmm.... well, she can be desperate again in the future. Bella teases us with her wet panties and even facesitting you with her pissy panties! Bella Rossi even talks about how she feels wetting & that she really had trouble holding it this vid

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