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Published on Tuesday, Dec 19th 2023.

Good morning! POV: You re my tiny Frankie and you ve decided to join me for breakfast. I m having cheerios but they look a little bland. I think you would make the perfect crunchy tiny add in. I add you and all your tiny friends into my cereal. I swirl you around. You scream but you re so tiny I can t hear any of you. I pick your friends out one by one, I personally name each one before adding them into my mouth and chewing them up! They re all SO tasty. I m clearly enjoying each and every bite.<br>Finally it s your turn. Any last words? You re so tiny I can t even hear you scream. Then I put you in my mouth and crunch away. Mmmm Frankie, you taste SO GOOD! I swallow you down and then that s the last of you. Thank you for joining me for breakfast little tiny 😈<br>4 minutes of video.

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