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Published on Thursday, Jan 9th 2003.

Long legs, shaved pussy, sexy girl - This is the series of today! Jamie is a Hungarian sugar cone with brown hair and sparkling blue eyes, and she makes all the guys wish they head their heads between her thighs! She is showcasing her goods here wearing a pink top, black panties, and some elegant strap up heels! Okay Jamie, lose everything except the heels, and meet us in your bedroom, we ll be right there to fulfill all your horny desires baby!<br>THrowing down a series of flutter kicks, Jamie showcases her lovely stems, Mmmm, to lick and worship every inch of those babies, what a treat that would be! Then she peals all her clothing of as we commanded and the gates of paradise swing wide open! Her gorgeous bald snapper winks at us and says no, no, no, first the dildo! As we watch in amazement, her pussy is pleased. All in a days work!

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