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Published on Tuesday, Apr 11th 2023.

Jennifer Mendez is a famous archeologist, who also happens to be a teacher at Rika Fane’s school. Rika is two weeks late on her assignment, so she needs to make it up to her teacher somehow. She pays a visit to Jennifer inside her office and brings a couple of cups of takeout coffee as a token of goodwill. That won’t really work on miss Mendez, after all, she even mispronounced Rika’s name, that’s how little she cares. But of course, Rika is not done yet, she takes a seat opposite her teacher to really convince her. However, her line of thought is interrupted by a cock-shaped object in a box on top of hay, sitting right next to Jennifer. “What’s that?” says Rika, visibly confused, wondering why her teacher has a dildo right on her desk. Jennifer quickly corrects her young pupil, that is not a dildo but rather an ancient object that she got from one of her archeological expeditions. Their chit-chat ends, and Jennifer starts checking Rika’s grades, noticing that she’s on pace to fail her

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