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Published on Thursday, Dec 15th 2022.

This was when I had just gotten used to this big blue slab of plastic, when I first got it it was purely a novelty cause even though I got a few good punch fists inside ...when I was inside, I honestly couldn t imagine how someone would ever actually fit it in the ass, then one day I was just playing with it and because I could barely fit it in my mouth i just started rubbing the tip and rubbing it against my butthole which was regular sized pretty butthole at the time and not blown out yet anyway i started doing that every night and it started going in more and more and then POP to my suprise my bunghole was latched onyo the whole head like a suction cup! after recovering it must have stretched my hole in one stroke cuse it got easier, and now fast forward to my asslips hanging out when the dildo leaves it lonely lol all the way to the balls and people commenting that i should get a bigger toy already lol, dun bottomed this one out. thats a litteral foot length of 4 inch wide dildo

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