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Published on Thursday, Dec 7th 2023.

👯‍♂️👯‍♂️Group Play 🥰👯‍♂️ 5 Sum !!!<br><br>I so love my Sunday’s especially when my Slut Sisters (Andie Anderson and CJ Hotwife) come over to play!!!<br><br>Andie brought DrePipez and CJ stole DannyLuckee away from Sweet Vickie for a playdate (Danny is Vickie s husband)!! <br><br>Andie and I walked in on CJ and Dre as they were in the bedroom way too long… once we figured out they were having sex we all joined in. <br><br>This playtime was more ‘swinger’ like as we are all swingers first and the sex is more loving and sensual …. Up to the point where we girls need hard orgasms and then is when it turns into a Fuck Fest!!<br><br>Group play is the best!<br><br>-Slutty Jewels

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