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Published on Monday, Jan 6th 2020.

Your hot girlfriend Sablique has an embarassing secret: she loves the feeling of a full bladder &amp; waiting til the last moment as she s about to leak in her jeans &amp; sometimes she wets herself. She pulls on her super skintight jeans in anticipation of how she s going to tell you &amp; she s been drinking water all day to have a nice bursting bladder for when you get home. She s grabbing her crotch as you get home &amp; she just spills her secret... telling you how she loves waiting til the last second &amp; how good a full bladder feels &amp; how fun it is to do the pee pee dance &amp; ooops!! She s starting to piss her panties and jeans!! She makes a fairly big wet spot but manages to keep holding on for awhile... she s so embarressed you know her little secret now and is trying her best not to completely lose control but it happens and she helplessly pisses her jeans with knocked knees! You re so turned on by watching her struggle and lose bladder control<br>Tags : pissing, pis

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