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Published on Sunday, Feb 4th 2024.

(This video is also released in a Version 2 with reversed angles)<br>This is from the second time slave p was sent to serve the amazing Empress Bella Sadic in Portugal - and she didn t waste any time. He arrived late in the evening and was immediately sent to the shower for cleaning himself inside ... and then The Empress began fisting him wearing black latex gloves!<br>This clip is shot from two angles to give you the best possible view of Empress Bella Sadic s happy face - but you also get to watch her hands go inside slave p. She goes elbow deep ... she shoves both her hands inside him ... and she clearly enjoys using the real life slave and Toy Miss M. has sent to serve her around the clock!<br>----------<br><br>Miss M owns her husband who is her real life slave. They life in a 100% Female Led Marriage and he is locked in permanent chastity 24/7/365 in the most extreme Cock Cage ever built; secured by 11 heavy duty steel rods pierced through his cock and scrotum he is forever denie

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