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Published on Saturday, Feb 17th 2024.

It s so boring at home sometimes. I already did all my chores and was going to sneak a peak on my Step-dads laptop for a while to see if he looks at anything interesting on there. Someone told me that laptops can be like personal diary s because they store a history of what has been viewed. My step-mom likes to go on about what a great sex life she has with my stepdad but something tells me she is lying or else why would she be telling her eighteen year old step-daughter about her sex life? Isn’t that what people do to cover up something, they talk too much about it? I think my step-dad is kind of cute. He dresses like an older guy does but his pants usually show a bulge of some degree hidden in them. I admit to wondering exactly what is in his pants. I get a little jealous that my step-mom has a cute man and cock in the house whenever she wants. Maybe if I show my step-dad that I can give him something that she can’t then I can have his cock whenever I want like her. <br><br>I ste

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