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Published on Wednesday, Oct 2nd 2024.

<b><i>Most time the best things in life are the simple things... </i></b><br><br>Like the power I got from telling you to sit on the floor as I kicked my feet up on the coffee table in front of you this morning. But no coffee for you… No breakfast. My feet come first &amp; you happily agreed! <br><br>You so badly wanted to smell my arches &amp; toes! Gently, but deeply, taking them in. The longer you looked at my creamy soles, the more you want them. You want my feet so bad! …<b><i> It’s hot. So empowering.</i></b><br><br>Like I said, the best things in life are simple. Now, <b><i>Sit, Stay. Good boy. </i></b><br><br>PS. Good boys might get to worship and play with my feet… <br><br>xoxo<br>-Gwen 💋👸🏼

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