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Published on Sunday, Dec 22nd 2002.

Wow! Check out those perfect legs! My goodness! This Czech babe has GOT it! Her name is Tereza Ilova, and never mind trying to pronounce her name, even if you could you would be all tongue twisted in her presence! Pheeew and she is all legs here, get your monkey ready, because its going to be choked!<br>Wearing some colorful little bobby socks Tereza teases us, before peeping a shot of her juicy twat from beneath her panties. Looks like a gourmet treat! She shaves her lovely lady walkers in front of us and her twat too, so lovely. She gets quite horny from the shaver and ends up masturbating with the shaving cream still on. We don t mind at all though. A perfect smooth fruit is revealed, and now its time for munchin down. Nom nom nom nom!

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