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Published on Sunday, Mar 24th 2002.

Caroline told us she s sure you ll like her pictures today! She got all dressed up like a country girl. All she is missing here are some daisy duke shorts, and water hose so we could squirt those titties and make a wet T-shirt contest. Actually, a better idea would be ti pull those fine ass jeans off her perfect legs and pop her onto our pogo sticks for a few bounces down the street! Whatever we decide, cum will flow once we beat our meat to her sexiness and extreme heat!<br>She pulls those sleek black boots off quick and BAM, doggy style! To bury one s face into that golden treasure from behind would mean bliss for sure! Her nice twat so well trimmed it looks like an exotic flower. Once she plugs her pussy up though with a vibe, it turns into an exotic ice cream cone in which you keep licking, it gets wet, but it never, ever melts. Now that s finger lickin goodness!

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