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Published on Monday, Apr 15th 2024.

The parents are out of town, so the step siblings fuck around. Hayley is over the moon that her parents have gone out of town, cause now she can go to a party. Only thing is that they left her step brother Johnny in charge. He tells her she can just forget about going to that party. Not on his watch. Hayley can’t believe Johnny is being such a prude, so she tries to seduce him into letting her go. She flashes him with her big tits, but Johnny remains strong. Then she bends over and rubs her big ass up against him, but nothing going. Defeated she walks away and goes to the fridge for some water. While bent over in the fridge Johnny losses it. The view of her ass became too much to handle. He loses control, pulls her shorts down and fucks the shit out of her. Hayley lets him know if he wants t to keep fucking her, he better let her go to that party. Johnny agrees and proceeds pound her phat ass like a drum. He cums all over her face and tells her she can go to as many parties as she like

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