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Published on Wednesday, May 8th 2024.

<b>I reached a sexual point of being a person addicted to being fucked and every day I notice that I am dirtier and dirtier, I like strong smells, dirt and bad hygiene...and that leads to me being more of a slut and I like it. I fit well with this person!!! Now I like him to fuck me in the ass, I take it out dirty, with slightly smelly anal juices and I like to smell it and then suck the dirty cock and swallow everything it has in it... that really makes me want to being fucked at all times, here I manage to get 7 days of cum, never seen before, it s a big big thick smelly load from going so many days without ejaculating, I feel that ugly smell in my mouth and my face, together with all that cum, I gargle and swallow it in its entirety!!! Now yes, I am ready to face my day!!!!</b>

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