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Published on Sunday, May 19th 2024.

Cindy has always wanted to have a threesome, and she was happy that her first time wasn t with some ugly dudes from the basement of the store below her apartment like her friend Sara. This pair of dudes saw her walking down the street and knew immediately she would be eager to take both of their cocks at the same time, and end up with even more pearls on her than the ones around her neck.Jasmine Black has a life sentence, so she s dedicated her time to being a sexy dominatrix. Clad in reflective black leather, this sultry lesbian gets her rocks off by penetrating horny chicks with her hard dildos. Then she bends her subjects over, all while they re gagged and blindfolded. This chick complained of being thirsty, so Jasmine gave her a nipple to suck on.

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