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Published on Saturday, Aug 26th 2017.

Our cute Jordanne Kali is sunbathing and feels hungry. She enters the house, goes to the kitchen and wants to take some food out of the fridge. But her friend Phil Hollyday is a tricky guy and he is waiting for Jordanne already in the kitchen to �feed� her. Erm, I don�t mean the kind of food you are thinking of. He feeds her mouth with his fucking strong dick, does not even let her approach the fridge and nails her on the floor without asking, if she does agree, or not. We deliver a rude hardcore scene, in which poor Jordanne gets the cumshot on her sunglasses. She entered the kitchen to eat something and she was fed by Phil<br>Tags : anal, ass, girl, amateur, italian, amatoriale, inculata, ragazza, anal-sex

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